Dr. Dr. Norbert Streitz is regularly asked to present keynote speeches, invited talks and tutorials at scientific as well as commercial events in Europe, USA, South America, Middle East, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, China, Korea and Japan. Here is an overview of selected activities.

(Please note that some links to older conference websites may be outdated or may not work at all,
as conference organizers unfortunately tend not to maintain domains after a few years. However, it is not possible to check them continuously.



Invited Speaker
The Role of AI and Human-Centered Design in Future Smart Hybrid Environments.

Visit, Talk and Transfer Workshop at
eGamesLab in Madeira - part of the eGamesLab Project
Centro Cultural e de Investigação do Funchal (CCIF)
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
(3. - 4. April 2024)


Invited Speaker

Idea Generation and Participatory Humanity-Centered Design
for Developing Innovative Smart Environments

IdeaSquare - The Innovation Space at CERN

CERN - Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire

Geneva, Switzerland (15. April 2024)


Visit of Prof. Dr. Ryohei Nakatsu and Prof. Dr. Naoko Tosa

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability
Art Innovation Research Group

Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan (13. May 2024)

Invited Speaker

The Role of Humanity-Centered AI for the Development of Smart Hybrid Environments
and Visit of Prof. Dr. Shin'ichi Konomi

Faculty of Arts and Science
School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation

Kyushu University
Fukuoka, Japan (23.-25. May 2024)


Keynote Lecturer

Human-Technology Symbiosis in Smart Environments Empowered by Participatory Design and Co-Creation

2024 FlexTech Industrial Spring School on Human-AI Teaming (HAT)

From Rigid Automation to Flexible Autonomy -
The Machine as a Partner or a Tool?

Radisson Blu Hotel, Biarritz, Basque Country, France
(29. - 31. May 2024)


12th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2024).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz  & Shin'ichi Konomi
jointly held with

26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2024)

Washington, DC. USA  (29. June - 4. July 2024)


Advisory Board Meeting
Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI)
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon,

Lisbon, Portugal.
(15. - 16. October 2024)



Invited Speaker

Perspectives for Designing Complex Citizens-City Relationships:
Participation, Cooperation, Co-Creation and Empowerment

CSH Talk at the
Complexity Science Hub Vienna (CSH)
Vienna, Austria (visit 3. - 5. May 2023)


Keynote Speaker

From HCI and Human-Building Interaction to Citizen-Environment Interaction

for three co-located conferences:
17th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction

9th International Conference on Connected Smart Cities

17th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing
Porto, Portugal (16. – 18. July 2023)


Keynote Speaker
Designing Human-Environment Interaction from the Perspective of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

HCII 2023 Design Café Event at 
25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2023)

AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark (28. July 2023)


11th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2023).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz  & Shin'ichi Konomi
jointly held with

25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2023)

AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
(23. - 28. July 2023)


Advisory Board Meeting
Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI)
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon
Inauguration of the new ITI Lab space at 
Creative Hub of Beato, Lisbon, Portugal.
(16.- 17. October 2023)




Invited Talk as Video Presentation at the SIGCHI Academy Panel

on the occasion of being inducted into the ACM CHI Academy.

CHI 2022 - ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

New Orleans, USA (30. April - 5. May 2022)


Invited Speaker

Rethinking Smart Islands via Participatory Design to Transform Madeira into a Lighthouse of Research & Innovation.

Final General Assembly and Advisory Board Meeting of the EU-funded

FORWARD-Project: Fostering Research Excellence in EU Outermost Regions Brussels, Belgium (1. - 2. June 2022)


From ‘Smart-only’ Island towards Lighthouse of Research and Innovation.

Norbert A. Streitz, Christine Riedmann-Streitz, Lúcio Quintal

Smart ecosystems and human-machine networks for sustainability and resilience.

10th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2022). (Virtual Event 26. June - 1. July 2022)


10th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2022).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz  & Shin'ichi Konomi
jointly held with

24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2022)

Gothenburg, Sweden (26. June - 1. July 2022) (held as Virtual Event)


Invited Keynote Lecturer

Redefining the "Smart-Everything" Paradigm:Beyond 'Smart-only' Cities and Islands

International Summer School on Digital Interactive Smart Spaces

at Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

Villa del Grumello, Lago di Como, Italy

(11. - 15. July 2022)


Invited Speaker

Beyond “smart-only”: The Future is Hybrid, Cooperative and Citizen-centered.

Human Computer Interaction Laboratory

Institute of Computer Science (ICS)

Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH).

Heraklion, Crete, Greece
(19. September 2022)


Workshop & Participatory Design Café
(together with Christine Riedmann-Streitz)
Issues and Challenges for Human-Environment Interaction in the Light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Human Computer Interaction Laboratory

Institute of Computer Science (ICS)

Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH).

Heraklion, Crete, Greece
(20. September 2022)


Keynote Speaker

The Future is Hybrid, Cooperative and Citizen-Centered.

Invited Plenary Panelist at the

3rd Joint ERCIM-JST Symposium
on the Theme:

Humans and Interactions in Intelligent and XR Environments

Organized by
European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics (
and Japan Science and Technology Agency (
INRIA Rocquencourt, Versailles, France,
(20. - 21. October 2022)


Keynote Speaker

Moving beyond Smart-Only Cities.

at "Investment Horizons 2022: NEXT NOW for Cities and Communities"
organized by Patrizia AG. Distributed Joint Event in two physical locations:
London, UK, and  Frankfurt, Germany
(17. November 2022)




Keynote Speaker

Citizen-Centered Design for Self-Aware and Cooperative Hybrid Cities

32nd Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2021)

Siena, Italy (was held as a virtual event) (26. - 29. April 2021)


Keynote Speaker

From the Disappearing Computer to Redefining the Smart-Everything Paradigm.

NSF-Workshop on "Seamless/Seamful Human-Technology Interaction"

(funded by the US National Science Foundation).

Planned and held as a virtual event. (17. and 20. May 2021)


Keynote Speaker

Redefining the "Smart-Everything" Paradigm

First International Summer School on

User Interaction in Smart Environment (UISE)

at Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

Villa del Grumello, Lago di Como, Italy
(The event was planned for 2021, but will probably be moved to 2022.)


9th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2021).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz  & Shin'ichi Konomi
jointly held with

23th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2021)

Washington, D.C. USA (24. - 29. July 2021). (was held as a virtual event)


Keynote Speaker

Rethinking ‘Smart’ Islands Towards Self-Aware and Cooperative Hybrid Islands
2-Day Seminar on "Scientific Excellence in Research and Innovation"
consisting of presentations on Day 1 and a Design Café on Day 2.

Activity of FORWARD Project organized by ARDITI and University of Madeira.
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (26.-27. October 2021)



Keynote Speaker
The 'Self-Aware and
Cooperative City' Paradigm as a Holistic Context for Urban Mobility Needs

Kick-off Meeting of the EU-funded project HADRIAN

(Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility Needs).

Graz, Austria (14.-15. January 2020)


Invited Speaker

Workshop: Future Topics for European Innovation Council (EIC) Pathfinder

organized by Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), European Commission.

Brussels, Belgium (29. - 30. January 2020)


Keynote Speaker

Human-Centred Design of Future and Emerging Technologies

Geoinformatics::GIScience::Symposium 2020

Interdisciplinary Centre of Competence for Geoinformatics

University of Salzburg

Salzburg, Austria (7. May 2020)  (event canceled due to Corona pandemic)


Keynote Speaker

Rethinking ‘Smart’ Islands towards Self-Aware and Cooperative Islands

FORWARD - Workshop

Regional Agency for Research, Technological Development and Innovation (ARDITI)

Funchal, Madeira (23 - 24. June 2020) (event canceled due to Corona pandemic)


Opening Speaker

The Challenge of Human-Environment Interactions

as one of the Seven HCI Grand Challenges

HCII2020 Design Café

22th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2020)

Copenhagen, Denmark (24. July 2020)
(The Design Cafe event is moved to HCII 2021 due to the Corona pandemic.)


8th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2020).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz  & Shin'ichi Konomi
jointly held with

22th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2020)

Copenhagen, Denmark (19. - 24. July 2020).

(The proceedings will be published as planned in July 2020. The HCII 2020 event and thus DAPI 2020 cannot take place physically, but will be held virtually due to the Corona pandemic.)


Keynote Speaker

Redefining the "Smart-Everything" Paradigm

First International Summer School on

User Interaction in Smart Environment (UISE)


Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

Villa del Grumello, Lago di Como, Italy

(7.-11. September 2020)
(The event will be moved to the summer of 2021 due to the Corona pandemic.)


Initiator and Moderator of Panel on

Human-Centred Digitalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from Europe and Japan.

52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) and the
15th Conference of the Austrian Society of Psychology (ÖGP)

jointly held at University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

(14. – 17. September 2020) (event canceled due to Corona pandemic)


Position Paper Speaker

Enabling Human Empowerment and Privacy by Redefining the ‘Smart Everything’ Paradigm

52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) and the
15th Conference of the Austrian Society of Psychology (ÖGP)

jointly held at University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

(14. – 17. September 2020) (event canceled due to Corona pandemic)


Keynote Speaker

Citizen-Centered Design for Self-Aware and Cooperative Hybrid Cities

32nd Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2020)

Siena, Italy

(6. - 9. October 2020) (event moved to April 2021 due to Corona pandemic)




Keynote Speaker

Redefining the 'Smart-Everything' Paradigm:
Moving beyond "Smart-Only" Cities and Airports.

Annual Meeting of the Research Studios Austria
Salzburg, Austria (24.-26. January 2019)


Advisory Board Evaluation Meeting

Madeira Interactive Technology Institute (M-ITI)

Funchal, Madeira (18.-19. March 2019)


Keynote Speaker

Towards Sustainability: Self-Aware Cooperative Hybrid Cities

8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems

Heraklion, Crete - Greece (3. - 5. May 2019)


Invited Panelist

Self-aware Cities and Automated Driving

at joint panel: Intelligent / Smart Transport Systems for Smart Cities and Regions

of the two co-located conferences

8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems

and VEHITS 2019
5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems

Heraklion, Crete - Greece (3. - 5. May 2019)


Invited Speaker

Redefining the ‘Smart-Everything’ Paradigm:
An Agenda for Citizen-Centered Design in the Urban Age

Colloquium of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
and the Ambient Intelligence Programme

Institute of Computer Science (ICS) - Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH).

Heraklion, Crete, Greece (6. May 2019)


7th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2019).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz  & Shin'ichi Konomi

jointly held with

21th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2019)

Orlando, Florida, USA (26. - 31. July 2019)


Invited Speaker

Human-Technology Symbiosis

Special Session on "Seven HCI Grand Challenges"

21th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2019)

Orlando, Florida, USA (29. July 2019)


Keynote Speaker

Citizen-Centered Design for Human-Technology Symbiosis
International Conference on
"Human-Centered Digitalization: How to Develop Next Generation of Humans and Robots for a Secure, Harmonic and Prosperous Future of Europe and Japan?"

Organized by the European Japan Experts Association (EJEA), Graz University of Technology, University of Graz, and Institute for Security and Development Policy.

Graz, Austria (20. - 21. September 2019)


Keynote Speaker

Redefining the "Smart-Everything" Paradigm in an All-Automated Economy.

Summer Innovation Campus 2019

University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)

Vila Real, Portugal (26. September 2019)


Final Keynote Speaker
Beyond “Smart-Only” Cities:
Design Trade-offs and the Citizen-Cooperative-City-Contract

3rd Annual Conference on "Sustainable Places, Connected Communities"

organized by the All Ireland Smart Cities Forum (AISCF)

Dublin, Ireland (22. October 2019)


Chair of Review Panel

for the evaluation of the ENABLE Programme "Connecting Communities
to Smart Urban Environments through the Internet of Things"
funded by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). 

Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (18. - 20. November 2019)



Invited Panelist and Speaker at Expert Workshop on "AI 2030 Roadmap and Strategy" organized by the Strategy & Technology Division of Hyundai Motor Group, Hwaseong, Korea (6. February 2018)


Invited Speaker

Citizen-Centered Design and Ambient Intelligence for Smart Urban Living

at the Universal User Experience Design Lab, Systems Management Engineering (Industrial Engineering), Sungkyunkwan University

Suwon Campus, Korea (7. February 2018)


Invited Speaker

Smart Spaces Make People Smarter: Interaction and Augmentation in Urban Environments
at Seoul National University (SNU) in the context of the Augmented Human (AH 2018) Conference.
Seoul, Korea (8. February 2018)


Invited Speaker

From 'Smart-Only' Cities to Sociable and Cooperative Hybrid Cities,

at the Department of Interaction Science, Sungkyunkwan University,
Seoul Campus, Korea. (9. February 2018)


Keynote Speaker
Citizen-Centered Design, Ambient Intelligence and Cooperative Smart Spaces for All
at  International Symposium on Learning Analytics And Adaptive Aids for Active Adults At All Ages (LA9).
Nishijin Plaza, Fukuoka, Japan (15. - 16. March 2018)


Invited Panelist
at the International Symposium on Learning Analytics.
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (22. March 2018)


6th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI 2018).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz  & Shin'ichi Konomi

jointly held with

logo20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2018)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (15. - 20. July 2018)


Joint Keynote Speaker

The Future of Human-Computer Interaction: From HCI to Citizen-Environment Interaction (CEI) in Cooperative Cities and Societies

addressing the following two co-located conferences:

2. International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA)

and the
5. International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS)

Seville, Spain (19. - 21. September 2018)


Chair of Opening Session of the conference and
Moderator of the Panel "Humanizing Mega-Scale"
LEAF International 2018 - Specifying the Future of Architecture

Frankfurt, Germany (17. - 18. October 2018)


Keynote Speaker

The Role of Human-Centered Design for an All-Automated Economy

International Symposium on Smart Manufacturing and Change Management

Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
(28.-30. October 2018)


Invited Speaker

Citizen-Centered Design for Humane, Sociable and Cooperative Cities

Lead 8 - Living Environments, Architecture and Design Studio

Hong Kong (1. November 2018)


Invited Speaker

Beyond “Smart-Only” Cities towards a Citizen-Cooperative-City-Contract

GREAT - Smart Cities Center

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Hong Kong (2. November 2018)


Opening Keynote Speaker

Reconciling Humans and Technology: The Role of Ambient Intelligence
at the
AmI 2017 - European Conference on Ambient Intelligence:
Towards a Smart and Human-Centered Internet of Things.
Honorary Chair: Norbert Streitz
Málaga, Spain ( 26. - 28. April 2017)

Invited Speaker
Beyond Smart Cities - Towards Humane, Sociable and Cooperative Hybrid Cities. At re:publica 2017 - Conference on Digtal Society - #rp17.
Berlin, Germany (8. - 10. May 2017)

Invited Speaker
Smart Urban Living: Chancen und Risiken der digitalen Gesellschaft in der Stadt der Zukunft. Im gemeinsamen Kolloquium des Fachgebiets Kognitionspsychologie und Kognitive Ergonomie und des Fachgebiets Kognitive Modellierung in dynamischen Mensch-Maschine-Systemen, Institut für Psychologie und Arbeitswissenschaft an der Technischen Universität Berlin.
Berlin, Germany (10. May 2017)


Invited Speaker
Redefining the „Smart Everything“ Paradigm: Chancen
und Risiken in der Stadt der Zukunft am Beispiel von Smart Mobility

at the 1000Vordenker Workshop
„The Future of Innovation“.
München, Germany (29. - 30. June 2017)


5th International Conference on
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI-2017)

Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz & Panos Markopoulos
jointly held with the

19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2017)
Vancouver ConventionCentre,Vancouver, Canada (9. - 14. July 2017)


Joint Keynote Speaker
Re-defining the “Smart Everything” Paradigm towards Reconciling Humans and Technology at the
11. Multi-Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2017)
addressing the following three co-located conferences:
Connected Smart Cities - CSC 2017
ICT, Society and Human Beings - ICT 2017
Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2017 – IHCI 2017
Lisbon, Portugal (20. - 23. July 2017)


Keynote Speaker

Beyond Smart Cities: Redefining the "Smart Everything" Paradigm
The Circle of European Communicators: Changing Dynamics.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (20.-22. September 2017)


Opening Keynote Speaker
Redefining the "Smart-Everything" Paradigm: Smart Spaces Make People Smarter

World Usability Day 2017 – Artificial Intelligence.

Berlin, Germany (9. November 2017)


Invited Speaker

Beyond “Smart-Only” Cities: Towards Humane, Sociable and Cooperative Hybrid Cities

Colloquium at the Chair of Information Architecture (Prof. Gerhard Schmitt)
Department of Architecture, ETH Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland (8. December 2017)


Invited Speaker at the Workshop on
"Universal Design in Ambient Intelligent Environments"
at the Norwegian Computing Center
Oslo, Norway (12. January 2016)

Keynote Speaker
"People-Centered Experience Design of Transient Spaces in Hybrid Cities and Airports"
 at the
Connecting Cities Symposium of the European and Worldwide
Connecting Cities Network on connected infrastructures of media facades, urban screens and projection sites. iMAL - Center for Digital Cultures and Technologies.
Brussels, Belgium (11. March 2016)

Media Architecture Summit 2016
(Smart Media Architecture - Enabling sharing and open access for connected cities and neighbourhoods) Deutsches Architektur Museum,
Frankfurt, Germany (15.-16. March 2016)

Invited Speaker
"Privacy by Design in Smart, Hybrid Cities and Airports"
and Invited Panelist
on the
Panel "Achieving Citizen Involvement and Buy-in"
at the

Smart Summit Conference - Smart Cities - The Future of the Smart Society
Kap Europa, Frankfurt, Germany (6.- 7. April 2016)

Invited Speaker
at the
Business Wire Media Event: MEDIAmeeting – the VISUALedition. Expert panel on "The importance and the impact of images and videos on the internet". Museum für Kommunikation,
Frankfurt, Germany (9. June 2016)

4. International Conference on
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI-2016).
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz & Panos Markopoulos

jointly held with the

18. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2016)
The Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, Canada (17. - 22. July 2016)


Keynote Speaker
"Chancen und Risiken der digitalen Gesellschaft am Beispiel von Smart Cities".
at the Bergakademie of the Alumni Association of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung) - Section Switzerland.
Wildhaus, Switzerland (23.- 25. September 2016)

Opening Keynote Speaker
"Opportunities and Risks of Digitalisation in the Context of Smart Hybrid Cities and Airports" at the

USEWARE - 2016 Conference of the Wissensforum of VDI
(Verein Deutscher Ingenieure).

Dresden, Germany (6. - 7.- October 2016)


Invited Speaker
"Chancen und Risiken der Smart City"
and Panelist at the Panel on "Verpasst München international den Anschluss?

17. IIR Konferenz Immobilienstandort München 2015.
Rocco Forte Charles Hotel, München (18. - 19. June 2015)

Invited Speaker
"urban age - people - cities - airports - hybrid.smart.human.sociable"
in Google Research Colloquium at
Google Headquarters, Mountain View, USA (29. July 2015)

3. International Conference on
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI-2015)
Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz & Panos Markopoulos
jointly held with the

17. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2015).
The Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, USA (2. - 7. August 2015)

Invited Speaker

"Life in Smart Cities and Airports – People-Centered Design
for Transient Smart Spaces
" at the Colloquium of the

DesignLab, University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California, USA (10. August 2015)


Keynote Speaker
"Citizen-Centered Design for Humane and Sociable Hybrid Cities"
at 3. International Conference "Hybrid City" - Data to the People"
Athens, Greece (17. - 19. September 2015)

Advisory Council Meeting and Invited Talks at the

Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI)
Funchal, Madeira (9. - 12. October 2015)
(Norbert Streitz member of the M-ITI Advisory Council)

CeBIT Konferenz d!conomy – Digitale Transformation der Wirtschaft
Düsseldorf, Germany (2.- 3. November 2015)

AmI 15 - European Conference on Ambient Intelligence
Athens, Greece (11.- 13. November 2015)
(Norbert Streitz Publicity Chair and member of the AmI-Steering Committee)


Second International Conference on
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI-2014).

Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz & Panos Markopoulos
jointly held with the

16. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2014)
Creta Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (22. - 27. June 2014)


Keynote Speaker
"Smart Cities Boosting the Urban Age"
at the
8. Groundstar User Conference.
Frankfurt, Germany (8.- 10. September 2014)


AmI 14 - European Conference on Ambient Intelligence
Eindhoven, The Netherlands (11. - 13. November 2014)
(Norbert Streitz member of the AmI-Steering Committee)


Invited Speaker
"Human-centered Design in the Large: Smart Cities and Smart Airports"
at Colloquium of the City University London,
Department of Computer Science, Mixed Reality Lab.
London, UK (20. November 2014)



Invited Speaker

"Human-Centered Interaction and Experience Design of Smart Cities"
at the
IFI-Colloquium of the Department of Informatics,
University of Zürich
. Zürich, Switzerland (18. April 2013)

Keynote Speaker
Smart Cities as New Challenges for Human-Centered Design"
SouthCHI 2013 - ACM / IEEE International Conference
on Human Factors in Computing and Informatics
Maribor (European Capital of Culture), Slovenia (1.- 3. July 2013)

First International Conference on
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI-2013)

Program Chairs: Norbert Streitz & Constantine Stephanidis
jointly held with the

15. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII-2013)
Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (21. - 26. July 2013)


Fourth International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-13)
Dublin, Ireland (3.- 5. December 2013)
(Norbert Streitz member of the AmI-Steering Committee)



Invited Speaker

Smart Cities and Ambient Intelligence.
at the
ConventionCamp - Die Internet(un)Konferenz.
Hannover, Germany (27. November 2012).

Third International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-12)
Pisa, Italy (13.-15. November 2012)
(Norbert Streitz member of the AmI-Steering Committee)

Invited Plenary Speaker

"Designing Smart Cities: Urbane Räume als Orte vernetzter Arbeits- und Lebenswelten"
at the Mensch & Computer 2012 Conference
Konstanz, Germany (9.-12. September 2012).

Keynote Speaker

Trends und Thesen zu den Arbeitswelten der Zukunft: Neue Formen

der Zusammenarbeit im Zeitalter lokaler und globaler Mobilität.
"Future IT Workplace: How your workforce will drive fundamental changes in IT. Extendance Event at Neue Börse,
Zürich, Schweiz (29. August 2012)

Designing Interactive Lighting workshop at the
Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS 2012)
(11.- 15. June 2012, Newcastle, UK) Call for Papers deadline: 1. March 2012
Norbert Streitz is one of the Organizers of this workshop.

Invited Plenary Speaker with a two-part lecture

"Human-Centered Interaction and Experience Design
of Ambient Intelligence Environments
at the "
Workshop on Multi-Display Environments - MDE2012"
organized by the
Pervasive and Artificial Intelligence research group
at the Department of Informatics of the University of Fribourg.
Fribourg, Switzerland (22. - 23. March, 2012).

Invited Speaker on the Panel "Mobility, City and Space".
at the Conference "
Leben 3.0 - Treffpunkt Zukunft"
(Life 3.0 - Meeting Point Future)
Frankfurt, Germany (14. March 2012)

Norbert Streitz member of the Advisory Review Committee of the

Keio-NUS CUTE Center*, a research lab operated by the National University
of Singapore (NUS) and Keio University, Japan
Singapore (28. February - 1. March 2012)
followed by

Two presentations in the Event "Mirai - Future Lifestyle" at the Cultural Center
The Arts House in the Old Parliament of Singapore.

  • "Future Life Style in Smart Cities: The Disappearing Computer and Ambient Intelligence", a presentation in the Technical Forum "Magic behind Future Life Smart Cities"
  • "Interaction Design for Ambient Intelligence Environments and Smart Cities"
    Public Talk presentation.

Singapore (2.- 3. March 2012)

(*CUTE = Connective Ubiquitous Technology for Embodiments)


Second International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-11)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (16. - 18. November 2011)
Late Breaking Results Paper Chairs:
Norbert Streitz (Germany) & Adrian Cheok (Singapore, Japan)

Digiteo Annual Forum 2011
École Polytechnique, Paris (18. October 2011)
"Smart Hybrid Cities and Ambient Intelligence"
Invited plenary presentation by Norbert Streitz

HCI International 2011 (9.-14. July 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA)
Designing Interaction for Ambient Intelligence Environments
(Invited Tutorial presented by Norbert Streitz)
- "Smart Cities, Ambient Intelligence and Universal Access"
(Presentation of accepted paper by Norbert Streitz)

Interaction Design Zurich University of the Arts / Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK). Invited talk:
"Designing Interaction for Ambient Intelligence Environments and Smart Cities"
(16. June 2011, Zürich, Switzerland)

FET'11: The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition.
(4. - 6. May 2011, Budapest, Hungary). Norbert Streitz: invited speaker in the session
"Pervasive Socio-Technical Fabric: Challenges to pervasive systems research"

26. Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF26): Wireless Solutions for Vertical Markets
Plenary Speaker Norbert Streitz: "Ambient Intelligence for Smart Urban Living"
(11. - 13. April 2011, Doha, Qatar).

Carnegie-Mellon-University Qatar
Visitor and invited speaker Norbert Streitz: "Smart Cities, Ambient Intelligence and the Disappearing Computer" (10. April 2011, Doha, Qatar).

PropertyCom Executive Management Conference
(23. March 2011, GDI - Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Rüschlikon/Zürich, Switzerland)
Invited Speaker Norbert Streitz: "Smart Hybrid City: Paradigma für die Zukunft urbanen Lebens“

1. International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and
Communication Systems (PECCS 2011) (5. - 7. March 2011, Algarve, Portugal)
Keynote Speaker Norbert Streitz:
"Smart Hybrid Cities as an Umbrella for Ambient Intelligence Research"

TEI ’11 - Fifth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
(23. - 26. January 2011, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal). Norbert Streitz invited member of the
Panel "
Tangible Embedded Embodied Interaction: What’s the Fuss?"


Trendforum 2010:
Das Business-Symposium für Trendforschung, Innovationsmanagement
& Trendmarketing. (23.-24. November 2010, BMW-Welt, München, Germany)
Invited Speaker Norbert Streitz: "Smart Urban Living: Die Zukunft unserer
Lebens- und Arbeitswelten"

AmI-10 First International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence.
(10. - 12. November 2010, Málaga, Spain)
Landscapes Chair: Norbert Streitz: Speaker and Session Chair
Invited talk: Ambient Intelligence Research Landscapes

Media Architecture Biennale 2010  - Conference, Workshops, Exhibit
(7. - 9. October 2010, Künstlerhaus, Wien, Austria)
Speaker and Chair of Session "M.U.S.E. – Media Urbanism,
Smart & Green City, Environmental Sustainability"

Seminar on "Intelligent Cities for a Sustainable Development"
at the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (30. September 2010, Rome, Italy)
Keynote speaker Norbert Streitz: "Smart Hybrid Cities: Designing
our Future Urban Environments".

ISAmI 2010 - International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
(16.- 18. June 2010, Guimarães, Portugal) (Norbert Streitz PC-Member)

Goldbach Mediarena 2010: Trends der digitalen Kommunikation
(18. May 2010, World Trade Center, Oerlikon, Zürich, Switzerland)
Inivted Speaker Norbert Streitz: "Smart Hybrid City – Trends für die Stadt der Zukunft"

Namahn Lecture Series
(21. April 2010, Brussels, Belgium)
Invited Lecturer Norbert Streitz: "Towards the City of the Future:
The role of innovative human-computer interaction paradigms"


AmI-09 - Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence
(18. - 21. November 2009) Salzburg, Austria
with a new category called "
Landscapes" (Chair: Norbert Streitz).
The accepted submissions constituted two sessions chaired by Norbert Streitz
with an Opening Presentation by him on
"Ambient Intelligence Landscapes for Realizing the Cities of the Future"

ACE 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Athens, Greece (29.-31. October 2009). The topic of the presentation of the
Keynote Speaker Norbert Streitz was "Towards the City of the Future".

COSIT'09 - Conference on Spatial Information Theory. Aber Wrac'h, Bretagne,
France (21.-25. September 2009).
Norbert Streitz Invited Speaker at
COSIT'09 Workshop on

"Spatial and Temporal Reasoning for Ambient Intelligence Systems" with a talk on
"Designing Information, Communication, and Experiences in Ubiquitous Hybrid Worlds"

Tutorial on "Ambient Intelligence: Designing Interaction for Smart Artefacts"
at the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
HCI International 2009), San Diego, USA, 19.-24. July 2009.

ERCIM Spring Days and ERCIM 20th Anniversary, Paris, France (26. - 29. May 2009)

Science beyond Fiction: The European Future Technologies Conference (FET'09)
Prague, Czech Republic (21.-23. April 2009)

Series of International Workshops of the Working Group "Ambient Computing and Communication Environments" (Chair: Norbert Streitz) that were organized as part
of the InterLink-project.

Final Dissemination Event on 22. April 2009
at the FET'09 Conference in Prague, Czech Republic

4. Consolidation Workshop in Cannes, France (12.-14. November 2008)

3. Thematic Workshop in Tokyo, Japan (18.-20. June 2008)

2. Thematic Workshop in Eltville-Hattenheim, Germany (5.-7. November 2007)

1. Opening Workshop in in Eze, France (10.-12. May 2007)